Wednesday 14 January 2009

25.ship insurance

Insurance sufficient to pay for potential pollution clean up, salvage and wreck removal.

The insurance policy must meet the following requirements:

All recreational ships more than 15 m but less than 35 m in length must have an insurance policy that provides A$250,000 for pollution clean up and A$10,000,000 for salvage and wreck removal.

All commercial ships more than 15 m but less than 35 m in length must have an insurance policy that provides A$500,000 for pollution clean up costs and A$10,000,000 for salvage and wreck removal.

All ships 35 m or more in length must have a policy that provides A$10,000,000 for pollution clean up costs, salvage and wreck removal.

Ships visiting Queensland coastal waters are also required to comply with the legislation. Temporary insurance cover may be necessary if existing insurance coverage does not meet the above requirements.

A current certificate of insurance must be carried onboard and be available for inspection by compliance officers. Penalties apply for non-compliance.

For those ships which cannot reasonably obtain insurance, the ship owner may be able to seek an exemption to the insurance requirement. In such cases the ship owner

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