Wednesday, 14 January 2009

26.ship wreck

Many people are very fascinated with ship wrecks. We are lured to shipwrecks by the dream and romance of diving for buried treasure. I think everyone, at one time or another, has dreamed of diving for buried treasure; the big adventure that intrigued and romanced us all.I must admit that I do not know a whole lot about ship wrecks but I am very fascinated with them. When doing a search on the net, typing in "Ship Wrecks" does not return many hits. Most of the hits that it does return are more for scuba diving than anything else.

Now let us try typing in "Marine archeology." Wow!!! over 250 hits. But it does not stop there. What type of ship wreck are you looking for. . . Tall ships, military ships, cargo ships, steam ships, civil war ships, paddle ships, Spanish galleons? In what region of the world?

I have prepared a list of links that I hope will keep you interested and fuel your childhood memories once again. A friend of mine is an aviation buff. So just for him I have added a page on planes wrecked at sea. Click here to jump to that page now.I must encourage all readers to remember that the Internet is not regulated so read with a critical eye, know who wrote the article or is providing the information. As always your local library has a wealth of information and best of all it is free.

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